Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Beautiful nail... Just one!

I am having writer's block today, so I decided to share a funny video instead of just rambling on. I know most everyone (guys included) have been to a nail salon before and can relate to this.

I've decided to start a weekly blog tradition on Wednesdays, "I want it Wednesday" where I will talk about one thing I've been lusting over lately. If you want to link up, let me know and I will try to figure out all the link up stuff. I'm not too technology savvy, so it might take me a little while to figure that out. Anyway, come back tomorrow to see what I've been drooling over for the last two months week. 


  1. ugh, i totally had a writer's block too! i should have shared a funny video instead of ridiculous old photos. :)

  2. Hi! You should definitely come to the next blogger meet-up. We are talking about doing it in a tea room in the city. It will be lots of fun!

    I have loved this bit for a long time. It is so true:)

  3. More important stuff....I also love driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, would live in my Uggs, and I miss thunderstorms (I am originally from the South)so much here in NCal. However, I do find the fact that a tiny bit of thunder is a top news story out here to be hilarious!

  4. YESSSS!!!! I love this video. Sooo true.
